About This Game The official Monster Energy AMA Supercross Championship game is back!Live like a champion with the updated career mode.Take part in more activities through your agenda: from Monday until the race weekend you will complete challenges, find new sponsors and meet fans to obtain incredible prizes!Train hard in the Compound. A vast area where you can ride freely and put your custom rider's skills to the test, competing against rivals on four different tracks. You can put your leaning, starting, braking, cornering and scrubbing abilities to the test here. Tackle competitions like a hero.Compete against more than 80 official 250SX and 450SX championship riders, including Jason Anderson, Marvin Musquin and, for the first time ever, the acclaimed Eli Tomac! Your face, your style, your personality.A new customisation mode with more than 3000 objects to create the bike of your dreams with aftermarket components. Customise your avatar with new options including beards, tattoos, earrings, hats; as well as skin, eye, hair and eyebrow colours.Choose how to celebrate victory: after all, we all have our lucky moves! An upgraded track editor.Additional features and simplified accessibility thanks to the new graphic interface. Designing, constructing and sharing your custom tracks with the community will be easier thanks to the upgraded track editor! 7aa9394dea Title: Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2Genre: Racing, Simulation, SportsDeveloper:Milestone S.r.l.Publisher:Milestone S.r.l.Release Date: 8 Feb, 2019 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 License monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 *2019. monster energy supercross - the official videogame 2 steam key. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 recenze. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 nintendo switch. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 + 7 dlcs. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 review. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 trailer. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 pc gameplay. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 xbox one. monster energy supercross - the official video game 2 (ps4). monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 crack. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 steam. monster energy supercross – the official videogame 2 test. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 split screen. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 gameplay. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 pc. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 ps4. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 system requirements. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 trainer. monster energy supercross 2 - the official videogame top of the class trophies. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 metacritic. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 requisitos. monster energy supercross the official videogame 2 switch real nice game ,the graphics an game play are awesome.... This game is a really good game in my opinion. The physics are much better then MXGP PRO and air physics are better then the old SX game.one bad thing is that there are nearly nothing new in the gears and helmet section, well for example FXR and Unit are new to the game but there are barely any new fox, ANSR, Thor gear and they have produced new gear IRL. same on helmet and boot side, there are nearly nothing new and that really sucks in my opinion. Bike Graphics are also the same as previous years, I mean it can not be so hard to make some new designs. There are also no Factory gear or graphics so that sucks but there is MODS that is super easy to download so you get that but still would be nice to have that in the game OG.There are also no 2 strokes in the game, and that is the most bad thing about the game in my opinion i mean there was 2 strokes in MXGP PRO so why throw it away again. Well just to hop that they add it in a update or a DLC.The new compound are tho the best made this far, super fun and gnarly tracks to ride and big open areas to ride around and play around on. You need to make progress in the Career to unlock the tracks and different areas around the tracks but still solid work on the compound.I still think this is a good game and the physics and graphics are amazing so it is still a game worth buying if you like motocross and SX. The compound is super cool and fun and well even if there is old gear and graphic kits i think this is a solid game and really fun. And like i said, there are MODS to download so you get new kits and factory gear so if you do that it is no problem on the gear and graphic kit side either. Positive StuffMost of the Tracks are great on their own. Bikeselection is pretty boring, which is expected (thats a positive). Customization is good, just short of great. Driving School (yay) unlocks better brakes, mid-air control, scrubs, etc. (meh).Now the meaty stuff.The graphics are good, the performance isn't. i get 70-150fps at 1080p medium without SSAA with a Vega56 which is quite the spread. Now, dont get me wrong, it does look good and is the best looking MX game ever. But does that justify that kind of performance? Hell no. This is a 'tiny' game compared to giants like FH4 with massive open worlds, hughe variety in Cars, Textures, Effects, etc. and insane render distances. A clear 'meh' from me.The driving physics are lackluster... but acceptable (after a while). The bikes, especially the 450's feel like loaded semis on gravel. The 250 are a a tiny bit better. Yeah, it's not great and a step back from mxgp pro, but i can adapt to this. But if you ever wondered what it's like to ride a 250kg, 50KW street-tire Hayabusa on loose gravel.... then here you go.The air physics are okay and feel like they improved a teeny tiny bit. The scrubs and whips on the other hand... are some of the worst milestone ever put out there. They lock you into these clumsy and unsatisfying animations which take forever to finish and are 'hard' to pull off right under pressure. But even when you manage to pull one off just right.... they still look and feel unsatisfiying(to me). The AI is by far the worst offender here. Their ability to push/crash or divebomd you at any point of the track is impressive to say the least. Yes, they will even divebomb you in the air. They'll also follow their idealline to the teeth. If that means powling though 3 other AI's and a Player then thats what they're going to do.As bad as that is on it's own, the worst thing about them is that they blatently cheat. This isn't out of the ordinary by it self. A lot of arcade racers did that in the past and are still doing it in the present (i'm looking at you NFS). Most of them had one thing i common: They (at the very least) make a effort to hide it.It's really obvious when the AI is Landing. Because they'll land anything. 9.9 out of 10 times. >AI misses a quad by a mile and facepalms mother earth at 65mph? Keep on driving Ivan! This leads to the AI taking some at the very least questionable and most of the time borderline insane racing lines.Now, if you had the choice between either fixing broken Animations and cheaty AI or! creating a bunch of DLC's, how many DLC's would you sell?Overall, i'd give this game a 6/10.. the game mechanics are so stupid.. it feels more like mxgp1-3 now and it sucks. go back to the old way where it actually felt realistic and fun. now i just want to kill myself because of the stupid ways you can fall off your bike now.i really dont know how you can take a amazing game and come up with a sequal that sucks his bad. im sorry but i might jus stick to the first game. its♥♥♥♥♥♥dont buy it. Amasing game!Graphics realisation handling best in class!. Loving the game and the improvements. All around worth it, the career is very fun this time around. Id like to start a multiplayer championship or join one =p. The tracks scale AWESOME and you can def pick different lines, its really fun.. not only does the game crash it also crashes my system. have to restart computer every time. come on guys screw online features get the single player stuff right first. So, Milestone seems to have lied about the look-to-apex feature being a simple glitch, but the important thing is that they listened to feedback and changed it back to a stable camera, so I can play again.I will write a proper review once I've played more.It's still annoying that you have to edit an .ini file after every update to remove the ♥♥♥♥ing forced chromatic aberration.---------------------------------PREVIOUS REVIEW:Bought it full price around launch, played a few hours, really enjoyed it. A few days later, they put up a patch that gives the first-person view a look-to-apex feature so that you're not looking straight ahead all the time. It almost makes me sick, so I've stopped playing. A few days later, the game is on a 30% off sale, a month after release.This turned from my most positive Milestone purchase to my most frustrating really fast. ♥♥♥♥ this♥♥♥♥♥♥The weight of the bikes is nice and the track editor is more fleshed-out, so if you play in chase cam, enjoy.
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 License