About This Game 3079 is a futuristic, open-world action first-person role playing game. All areas, buildings, items, quests and characters are randomly generated. You will find unique lands & challenges. I hope you enjoy it![/b]Please follow Phr00t's Software for giveaways, updates & more! https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.softwareYou arrive on a planet experiencing constant war. It is your duty to find out why the warring factions cannot find peace on their own & hopefully restore it yourself.Java RequirementMake sure you have Java 7 Update 45 (or better) installed!On Windows, if you have trouble, you may need to uninstall other versions of Java.You can get Java from: http://www.java.com/getjavaKey FeaturesTrading Cards are here!Practically endless, open-world explorationFuturistic weapons and items procedurally generated for endless character equipmentDifficulty that increases as you explore further (don't worry, items get better too!)Fully functional Multiplayer with Twitter integrationProcedurally generated quests for rewards and story advancementFortress building using a construction toolBody-part specific damage calculation and dismemberment: Head Shot!Skill system for things like engineering, charisma and camouflageDifferent biomes (grassland, mountains, snow, poison, desert, sea etc.)Complete storyline that has a start, middle and endSloped surfaces and higher polygon models gives the world a new, less "blocky" lookChallenging artificial intelligence -- enemies and allies will dodge, follow, inspect sounds etc.3D effects like anti-aliasing, damage & underwater blurringSoft ray-traced lighting (makes for nice shadows to hide in)A very fast, efficient multithreaded engine for smooth, high FPS gameplay almost completely free of "lag"Recommended GuidesCommunity Hub: http://steamcommunity.com/app/259620/guides/Game Serieshttp://store.steampowered.com/app/329770http://store.steampowered.com/app/263360 b4d347fde0 Title: 3079 -- Block Action RPGGenre: Action, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Phr00t's SoftwarePublisher:Phr00t's SoftwareRelease Date: 25 Oct, 2011 3079 -- Block Action RPG Free Download [hack] 3079 block action rpg Ok as a second try I give it I feel is a fun rpg game with voxel tech but prefer to have neutral reviewI do like the game but need more game time to say PEOPLE BUY THIS NOW !!!Oh it does remembers me a lot to Skynet: Future shock very cool specially flying ships. Great game, I enjoyed, and will still, many hours of this game. It is a sandbox game with elements from Borderlands and Skyrim. (No it's not a minecraft clone because of the blocks!)The feeling you get when you found a better sniper than before and succesfully install a upgrade element to it never gets old.I highly recommend trying the demo of the game first (which can be found on phr00t's website.) to see if you like the game enough. Rate: 9\/10. Bought it for 20 cents and I feel I overpaid. Just horrible. I don't know what game the positive reviewers played. It certainly was not this one. A prime example of why Greenlight did not work.. Just bought the game on Steam and holy damn does it look good. Not only does the world feel organic and full of dangers, but there's solid gameplay utilizing the best parts of both the building of Minecraft and item-searching in dungeon-diving of rogue-likes.Also, it looks good 'n artsy. None of that Minecraft monotone but rather some creepy and original style to it. Randmization really makes stuff interesting in this game. There's definitely lots to see, meet and explore.As to the difficulty, it's the game's strong point. This world is relentless and does need you to take it seriously. You need to acquire skill first, then items in order to survive and advance in progress-indicating levels and power.But what I'm really looking forward to is what's in the future of the game. It does seem it could easily get some servers with communities similar to those of DayZ in order to make the game feel even more organic, purposeful and alive. Not to mention patches and mods.It's a world ever at war. And you need to shape it.. 3079 is an Open World FPS set on an alien planet where you are sent in to stop a never ending war between two species. At least that's what you\u2019re told to do but upon landing you instantly pick a side of the conflict and work as a mercenary for hire. The species friendly to you at the beginning are the humanoid looking aliens but you can switch sides by killing enough of them to please the other side. It may seem like a good idea to immediately head out of the city and hunt some aliens but as you will soon find out they are soldiers that only know war while you on the other hand are the space equivalent of some random dude running off to the battlefield with a Nerf gun. You will immediately realize how useless you are at fighting at the beginning and it is an important lesson to learn since dying means losing a random item. I say random but most of the times they seem to take away your grappling hook or your most used weapon. It is a really rough introduction to the game and even if you manage to knick a weapon off of an enemy killed by someone else you will not be able to use it. There is no ammo in this game, instead everything relies on your energy meter and the more powerful a weapon is, the more it uses. At first you may as well be carrying a broken gun as you will not be able to fire off a single round without it overdrawing your energy and harming your health. This game features skills like stealth, energy and charisma to name a few, which get more effective as you use them in a certain manner. Unfortunately the way to improve them are usually insanely tedious. You'd think that by using energy its stat will go up but the way it works in this game is that by using more energy than you have and harming your own health it will eventually increase. Since in the beginning you can barely fire off any rounds at all that means you will spend most of your early adventures staring at a wall and repeatedly firing just to get your energy up. Enemies regenerate health so by the time you have enough to fire again they will be mostly healed meaning you must use the better weapons with heavy energy usage. Honestly, this energy thing is what harms the game the most and will be a problem for the entire game as you need more and more energy. Stealing is pure RNG and requires you to get caught in order to increase its stats while being hit when you are camouflaged makes you better at Stealth. The progression system is a complete, nonsensical mess sadly and by that logic I'll become a mathematician by failing my math tests. Seems like a petty thing to complain about it but it is honestly no fun and means you only get better by either doing tedious things or getting shot in the face. The only thing you really get for killing enemies is their weapons to sell to a vendor later on. Vendors are the same as any other alien but with a \u201d$\u201d symbol on their shirt. You could buy useful objects from them like grappling hooks, armor or generators that increase your stats while active. These generators can have some rather cool effects such as increasing your jump height enough to be able to jump houses and walls which makes you feel pretty awesome as you take down several enemies midair. You can tell any none busy ally to follow you around and gather up your own posse to hunt down the enemy if you so please. It is a really handy feature, especially early in the game when you are pathetically weak. The AI is not all that great so they are only useful in open fields, don't expect to be rescued while in buildings. AI is embarrassingly bad for the spacecraft that fight like if you had a giant magnet to your face and will stick right on you until one of you is dead. You can attempt to hijack which is a pretty cool feature and lets you zoom around the skies though it is rather weak and likely to get you killed if used in a fight. It's also a bad idea to go too far out as the further you go the stronger the enemies are. Along with the two species at war there are also demons that look like red gummy bears out to kill everything. These are a very annoying as they will pull you in near them no matter the distance between you two. They are not rare and it is not unusual that you have to fight with the controls just to escape their gravitational pull any time you want to go somewhere. Demons can only be killed by a very specific kind of sword which brings me with another issue. You can only equip 4 weapons or items to the hot-keys at any one time. The rest of your number keys are useless and you will always want to have the demon sword and grappling hook equipped so you only have two hotkeys to work with. This adds completely unnecessary micromanagement whenever you need something else like a satchel charge, your drill or your construction tool. You can mine the randomly generated world for gems though they offer very little money compared to simply scavenging guns from a battlefield. This game does feature destructible environments but only with the satchel charge unfortunately. Building your own base is possible but ultimately pointless as the point of the game is to move further and further out into the map while staying in a low level area is useless. Grappling hooks in this game are a ton of fun to use and have a pretty long range making you feel like a mix of Spider Man and Rambo as you quickly navigate the environments. There is an anti-gravity device that allows you to float around at the cost of not being able to recharge your energy. It is really useful for reaching the floating buildings and did lead to an insanely awesome moment where I was near death & surrounded at the edge of a cliff, jumped off and managed to activate it a few feet from the ground. 3079 does have its moments and incredible potential but seems to sabotage itself at every turn. Like the previously mentioned grappling hooks an anti-gravity device can only support a certain amount of weight from your inventory. It sounds reasonable enough but as you head to a higher level area which happens quite often, everything starts weighing more and more. That's not anything unusual in video games but it feels so artificial here where even the health packs start weight over 30 pounds. One area will have a grappling being sold with up to 400lbs usability and the next one will have one with 440lbs. You don't think \u201cWow, I can carry more now!\u201d instead you're feel the need to facepalm as everything suddenly gets heavier in order to make your gear obsolete time and time again. You receive missions from allies with stars on their chest but they are rarely worth the price. There are main missions that revolve around the fight against demons and you will need to do at least one of those to get yourself a demon slaying sword. At the end of the day 3079 implements a ton of ideas into one package but fails to make the overall product fun. As an example you turn on your night vision and grapple onto the top of a tall tree with a sniper rifle to take down some enemies. Multiple things keep this from being fun. For one your night vision goggles only pick up enemies of a certain level so you will have to keep buying new ones every time you enter another area until you can't be bothered. Second your sniper uses up a ton more energy while using the scope yet has no added damage, so you may as well use it without the scope which defeats the purpose of a sniper. And finally, it is not unlikely there will be a demon in sight that will cause you to fight with the controls just to keep your footing in the tree even if it is far away and unaware of you. 3079 has a ton of ideas and a ton of heart no doubt but I'm afraid its progression system, annoying mechanics and combat heavily hampered by energy make this a game I simply can't recommend.. Great game! i really like it, sad thing is though, i have no friends that own this game to play co-op, the singleplayer alone gets pretty hectic and nearly impossible at times (i flew to enemy base without realizing that i didnt set a home marker and made it impossible to get back). Also, early game is a little difficult, the monsters have waay to much health for the beginner weapon you start out with.. I wasn't sure how this one was gonna go: it is either a tentative recommend or a just barely, spend a paragraph trying to sell you on the game anyway, ...unrecommend. Ultimately, there is enough of a cool game here for me to keep putting time into it.The games name is strange, don't worry about it. Here's what jumps out: Action RPG. The game is an FPS action rpg. It looks like an ASCII Minecraft, but has all the ARPG symptoms.XP grind? GODDAMN RIGHT SON. Your skills increase as you use them. Pick some pockets dawg, raise that stat.Loot? Yo, the big guy over there wielding a sword with fangs that one shotted the NPC from your faction? You take his life, you take his blade."... But clizzy, this dudes sword SUCKS BALLS dewd!" Yeah, it happens. But you can sell that piece in almost any area. Items scale with the enemies, who scale with the zone. You're in a level 9 zone, the level 9 enemies drop level 9\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665that usually be sellin' for a pretty penny even when they are booty butter. This is awesome because....There's mad cool\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665to loot in this game! This is my favorite part: your character can equip jet packs and grappling hooks that give you crazzzzzzzzy mobility. You can fly into sky fortresses, or zip around the landscape with non-stop grapple shots. Thing is, though, these \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665es also scale. Level 1 hooks\/packs can be used when holding 40 weight, no more. Every level adds an additional 40 lbs. It's cool zipping into a high level zone, on a mad hunt for the shopkeeper or drop zone with the clutch twink grappling hook\/jet pack. You have to get out alive too, because when you die you lose an item. The game is sadistic, it will eliminate the item you hold most dear.I suppose I wish the game felt more complete. I've put some goodly time into it and I'm not sure if there is anything else to do but loot grind. The building mechanic? No idea what's going on there. Completely arbitrary, in my experience.However, I have to say that I haven't got many quests done in the *main* story line. There's a little bit of RNG involved with quest givers having to give you a specific reward to advance - it can get a little frustrating. Hunting for the right people always devolved into loot grinding and murdering things. This was really fun for a bit, and I'll probably sit down a few more times to see just deep the game goes, but it becomes nothing more than pure carrot-sticking. Still hours of fun.6.9\/10. I would love to see this go through a few more iterations of development. As it currently sits: a fascinating proof of concept, but rough in several areas... Especially user interface. As it could be: really, really good. Just needs a lot of polish. <encouragement \/> Testers wanted for ROMBIE!: Want to play & help the spiritual successor to 5089, ROMBIE? Check this out: https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.software/photos/a.567366503315933.1073741826.307134109339175/1613048122081094/. ROMBIE is on Steam!: http://store.steampowered.com/app/745090/ROMBIE/This is the spiritual successor to 5089 -- a futuristic, limitless open-world action RPG. Official trailer & more on the page above.. Patreon page: Support game & free engine development: Want to provide additional support to my game & free 3D engine (Xenko) development? Have money to spare? Probably not!You are a busy person just making ends meet (hopefully)... not much different here.. I'm just one guy working on games and a free 3D engine which you can get @ https://github.com/phr00t/xenko/ -- if you'd be so kind to throw a couple dollars my way, now you can through Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/phr00tssoftwareThank you for at least reading this far and hope you have a good day!. Frantic Freighter is coming!: http://store.steampowered.com/app/503150. Freaking Meatbags Giveaway & Small Update: Free keys for Freaking Meatbags!https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.software/posts/922891854430061http://store.steampowered.com/app/297060/Contest ends 6/19 @ 12pm EST.The small update minimizes the annoying command launch window, yay!. 3079 Trading Cards are Here!: Trading Cards for 3079 have finally been approved & are now available! Check them out, pick 'em up & start trading!http://store.steampowered.com/app/259620Artist credit: Swawa3D (from http://www.swawa3d.com/). Free TransPlan Giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.software/posts/962147967171116http://store.steampowered.com/app/374410Contest ends 9/11 @ 12pm EST. Missed it? Like Phr00t's Software for more goodies!. Giveaway, updated & huge sale!: I'm giving away 20 FREE Triple Packs, that include 3079, 3089 & 4089 (all futuristic, first-person action RPGs) here:https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.software/posts/880820981970482My games are all on sale, including the Triple Pack, 40-60% off!All of my games have been recently updated with the latest jMonkeyEngine builds & Java 8.Looking for something completely different? Like a sperm game with explosions? I've got that too!http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354610327. Free Key Giveaway for Why So Evil: Enter to win a free Steam key for Why So Evil here:https://www.facebook.com/phr00ts.software/posts/885295461523034http://store.steampowered.com/app/331710. Adapt or Perish: Finally a Strategy Game with No Limits: https://store.steampowered.com/app/870730/Adapt_or_Perish/
3079 -- Block Action RPG Free Download [hack]
Updated: Mar 12, 2020